Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Woman with a Past

In six short weeks I will be a mother of two little girls, so naturally I am a big ball of tenderness, nostalgia, anxiety and hormones.  As the day of having a pair of sisters approaches, I find myself replaying my life over and over in my mind like an old fashioned movie reel. 

The days of my early childhood are filled with sweet memories and it thrills me to give my girls the gift of sisterhood.  The memories of my teenage years are full of rebellion and lost innocence.  Honestly, as a mother, I pray every day that my girls will not choose the same path that I did.  Life got worse in my early 20's as I let the guilt, shame and sadness of my teen years overtake my mind and actions. 

So here's my question to you-

What's in your past? (You don't have to answer that aloud...)

Is is filled with sickness?  Sadness?  Scandal?

I'm pretty sure we've all got a good mix of the three. 

“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet,  they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18

Over the next few weeks I will be blogging about our Redeemer.  We will look into the pages of the New Testament and study how He dealt with a variety of women.  Though their pasts were each very different, they were all in need of  His touch.  I pray that you will follow along as we 'settle the matter' and prepare our hearts for a "You-Nique Weekend For Women."


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