Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The “Church Lady,” the “Good Christian Woman,” and You

Traci and I have yet to have one normal conversation, and I love her for that. She is on my team of women, and sometimes she wonders why God has put her there. But I know why.

Recently, Traci and I had the opportunity to share one of our conversations with some young married women. You see, I thought they might be able to relate to some of Traci's "issues" or "hang ups."

Who do you think of as being in women's ministry? What kind of woman? What does she look like? Do you fit that description? I didn't. I don't. When I was growing up there was a rather big-boned, tall woman with big hair and big shoulder pads who carried a big Bible at church who was the "church lady" to me. If I ever had a question about the Bible, she must have been an authority on it. Why else would she carry around such a big Bible? For Traci, her "good Christian lady" wore sensible shoes and would never be seen in a red convertible. Yes, Traci drives a red convertible and wears blingy flip flops to church. During our conversation with these young women, I asked if these kind of women wore an under-wire or push-up, Traci assured me that even if these women did wear one, they most certainly wouldn't discuss it in public! But truth is underwear is a necessity.

Everyone has an excuse as to why they can't serve. My daddy used to tell me that excuses are like belly buttons, everyone has one (although I'm not sure about Adam and Eve). Some women don't feel like they should lead or serve because of their pasts or that they will be judged for it. When God looks at His daughters, He doesn't see your past. He sees a trail of Christ's blood – that's it. If you have a past that you are embarrassed by for whatever reason – abortion, addiction, abuse…name your poison – He wants to liberate you from it. He wants you to deal with it, so He can use your testimony to encourage and help the next woman going down that similar path. Satan wants to keep you bound to it and make it a stumbling block. Which do you prefer – a stumbling block or a stepping block?

You are who God wants to use. Are you willing? Do you have the courage and strength to commit to Him? I'd love to talk to you about it. Please feel free to email me or call me.

On June 12th, we will be having a GNO (Girls Night Out) at the Heart of Hope Maternity Home from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. If you can organize, stencil or garden, great! If you can pray, great! There will be a place for you to serve after we have a potluck picnic at HOH. I look forward to seeing your smiling faces. If you are new to the church, please call me at 464-3679, and I will make sure you are connected with a lady who can introduce you to others. We want you to feel comfortable about getting involved, so there's no excuses. You are who we need in the trenches with us as we fellowship, have fun and serve.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I need a t-shirt with that on it. I'd wear it every year at the end of school. May and December are the most hectic, crazy times of the year. Is it just me, or is anyone else out there feeling this?

After you have a moment to catch your breath, I want to give you a few things for you to look forward to for YOU!

Sunday, May 22nd, the Calvary Women Connect team will be hosting a breakfast for the young married women in room B-107 starting at 9:45 AM. All you have to do is show up! We want this group of young ladies to know who is on the team and to get your feedback and ideas about the things God has placed on your heart for service. I cannot wait! Serving isn't just for "church ladies," don't ya know.

June 12th we are having a potluck picnic at Heart of Hope from 5- 7 PM. We will be taking canned goods and pantry items, and they will have areas of service for us. They have a prayer room, and I know they have some stenciling that needs to be done. I'm sure we can find something for you to help with, so please come. More information will be sent out in the weeks to come.

June 16, 17, and 18th – LEARN TO SEW!!!!! If you would like to learn to sew, a couple of the ladies at church have agreed to teach for FREEEEEE!!!!!!! This is a beginner's class for young women who have just graduated high school to the mature women. Come learn a skill that will be an asset for you, your family and community.

If you have any questions, please send me (Kristy Timmons Mullins) a message on Facebook or call me at (318) 464-3679.