Saturday, May 21, 2011


I need a t-shirt with that on it. I'd wear it every year at the end of school. May and December are the most hectic, crazy times of the year. Is it just me, or is anyone else out there feeling this?

After you have a moment to catch your breath, I want to give you a few things for you to look forward to for YOU!

Sunday, May 22nd, the Calvary Women Connect team will be hosting a breakfast for the young married women in room B-107 starting at 9:45 AM. All you have to do is show up! We want this group of young ladies to know who is on the team and to get your feedback and ideas about the things God has placed on your heart for service. I cannot wait! Serving isn't just for "church ladies," don't ya know.

June 12th we are having a potluck picnic at Heart of Hope from 5- 7 PM. We will be taking canned goods and pantry items, and they will have areas of service for us. They have a prayer room, and I know they have some stenciling that needs to be done. I'm sure we can find something for you to help with, so please come. More information will be sent out in the weeks to come.

June 16, 17, and 18th – LEARN TO SEW!!!!! If you would like to learn to sew, a couple of the ladies at church have agreed to teach for FREEEEEE!!!!!!! This is a beginner's class for young women who have just graduated high school to the mature women. Come learn a skill that will be an asset for you, your family and community.

If you have any questions, please send me (Kristy Timmons Mullins) a message on Facebook or call me at (318) 464-3679.

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